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Friday, July 2, 2021


 To participate in Sports Authority of India, Fit India 20 has been organized for school children from all over the country to spread the message of Fit India Movement and to increase its effectiveness in schools.  

The quiz seeks to provide a national platform for India Wiz students to showcase their knowledge about health and sports as well as to create awareness among students about the centuries-old indigenous sports as well as the heroes of our past.  Students of private and all higher secondary and secondary schools will be able to register.

 In addition, students of Std. 9 in upper primary department will also be able to participate in this quiz. To register for the quiz, one must be registered on the school's website.  Registration will be done after registration.

 Please complete the guide with this  Involvement which is to be taken into consideration and all schools in the district are to be encouraged to participate in the quiz. For registration as per the guidelines, internal 21 will be organized for the students of the schools and the selected students will be registered for the preliminary round  Schools will be given the opportunity to register for the preliminary rounds. 

For registration, entry of at least two students has to be done on the Feet India website. Registration fee is Rs.50 per student for registration.  

An internal platform for selection is to be organized through an online platform operated by the National Test Agency. Students registered for 20 will compete. The questions are structured in such a way that questions can be easily answered by students of Std.

  National Test will come  The agency will provide details like username and password to the school as well as the student for the students who have registered before the 21st round. There will be 2 minutes for this round which will have MCQ type questions. 

Four marks will be provided for each correct answer and devotees  A mark negative marking system is maintained. They will be evaluated on the basis of the school obtained by the student in the National Testing Agency Round. .

ફીટ ઇન્ડિયા વિક ની ઉજવણી કરવા બાબત લેટર તા 2/12/2021


Click here for registration

 All the schools in Merit will qualify for the round. A minimum of 32 and a maximum of 32 schools will be selected in the front room as per the details given below.

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