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Saturday, May 27, 2023

New sansad bhavan||360 Degree view

 લોકોની આકાંક્ષાઓને સાકાર કરવા માટે નવી સંસદ ભવન બનાવવામાં આવ્યું છે.

 भारत के पास एक शुबारा प्रसाद है!

 નવી સંસદ ભવન: ભારતીય સંસદમાં ભારતીય લોકશાહી પ્રણાલીની તાકાત સ્પષ્ટ છે, જેણે સંસ્થાનવાદી શાસન સામે ભારતીય સ્વતંત્રતાની લડાઈ લડી હતી અને ઘણા ઐતિહાસિક સીમાચિહ્નો જોયા હતા.  હાલની ઇમારત પ્રથમ સ્વતંત્ર ભારતીય સંસદ તરીકે સેવા આપી હતી અને ભારતના બંધારણને અપનાવવાનું સ્થળ હતું.  તેથી, આ સંસદીય ભવનના માળખામાં સમૃદ્ધ ઇતિહાસની જાળવણી અને નવીનીકરણ એ રાષ્ટ્રીય મહત્વનો મુદ્દો છે.

 ભારતીય લોકશાહી ભાવનાનું પ્રતિક સેન્ટ્રલ વિસ્ટાના સંસદ ભવનની મધ્યમાં સ્થિત છે.  વર્તમાન સંસદ ભવન બ્રિટિશ આર્કિટેક્ટ સર એડવિન લુટિયન અને હર્બર્ટ બેકર દ્વારા બાંધવામાં આવેલ સંસ્થાનવાદી યુગનું માળખું છે અને તેને બનાવવા માટે છ વર્ષ (1921-1927)ની જરૂર હતી.  મૂળમાં કાઉન્સિલ હાઉસ તરીકે ઓળખાતી, આ ઈમારત ઈમ્પીરીયલ લેજિસ્લેટિવ કાઉન્સિલનું ઘર હતું.


 વધુ જગ્યાની જરૂરિયાતને પહોંચી વળવા માટે સંસદ ભવનમાં બે માળનું વિસ્તરણ કરવામાં આવ્યું હતું.  સંસદ મ્યુઝિયમ 2006 માં ઉમેરવામાં આવ્યું હતું.  સંસદ મ્યુઝિયમ ભારતના સમૃદ્ધ લોકશાહી ઇતિહાસના 2,500 વર્ષથી વધુના પ્રદર્શન માટે બનાવવામાં આવ્યું હતું.  આધુનિક સંસદની જરૂરિયાતોને પહોંચી વળવા મકાનને મોટા પ્રમાણમાં બદલવાની જરૂર છે.


 કાઉન્સિલ હાઉસ માટે બ્લુ પ્રિન્ટ

 નવી સંસદ ભવન: ઇમારતની ડિઝાઇન વિશે પ્રારંભિક ચર્ચાઓ પછી, બંને આર્કિટેક્ટ હર્બર્ટ બેકર અને સર એડવિન લ્યુટિયન્સ પરિપત્ર સ્વરૂપ પર સંમત થયા કારણ કે તે કાઉન્સિલ હાઉસમાં કોલોઝિયમ જેવો દેખાવ બનાવશે.  એક લોકપ્રિય માન્યતા એ છે કે મુરૈના (धुज्ञ प्रेदेश) માં ચૂસથ ઉગિની મંદિડિરનું અનન્ય ગોળાકાર સ્વરૂપ ભૂતકાળમાં કાઉન્સિલ હાઉસ માટે શૈલીને પ્રેરિત કરે છે, જો કે આ દાવાને સમર્થન આપવા માટે કોઈ ઐતિહાસિક પુરાવા નથી.

નવી સંસદ ભવન: સંસદ ભવન સંસદ ભવનનું બાંધકામ 1921માં પૂર્ણ થયું હતું અને તેનું સત્તાવાર રીતે 1927માં ઉદ્ઘાટન થયું હતું.  તે 100 વર્ષથી વધુ જૂનું છે, અને તે ગ્રેડ-1 હેરિટેજ માળખું છે.  વર્ષો દરમિયાન, સંસદની પ્રવૃત્તિઓ સાથે ત્યાં કામ કરતા લોકોની સંખ્યા અને બિલ્ડિંગમાં મુલાકાતીઓની સંખ્યામાં નાટ્યાત્મક વધારો થયો.  આ બિલ્ડિંગ માટે ઉપયોગમાં લેવાતા પ્રારંભિક લેઆઉટના કોઈ દસ્તાવેજ કે દસ્તાવેજો નથી.  તો, તાજેતરની બાંધકામ અને રૂપાંતર રેન્ડમ કરવામાં આવી હતી.


 ઉદાહરણ તરીકે, 1956 માં, બિલ્ડિંગના બાહ્ય ગોળાકાર ભાગની ઉપર બે નવા સ્તરો બનાવવામાં આવ્યા હતા, જે સેન્ટ્રલ હોલમાં ગુંબજને જોવાથી છુપાયેલા હતા અને બિલ્ડિંગનો રવેશ બદલી નાખ્યો હતો.  આ ઉપરાંત, જાળીદાર બારીઓના આવરણને કારણે સંસદની બે ઇમારતોના હોલમાં પ્રવેશતા પ્રકાશની માત્રામાં ઘટાડો થયો છે.  આ કારણે તે અવ્યવસ્થિત અને વધુ પડતા ઉપયોગના સંકેતો દર્શાવે છે અને જગ્યા, સુવિધાઓ અને તકનીકી પ્રગતિ માટેની આજની માંગને પહોંચી વળવામાં અસમર્થ છે.

 સંસદસભ્યોને બેસવા માટે જગ્યા ઓછી છે

 હાલની ઇમારતનો હેતુ દ્વિગૃહની વિધાનસભા માટે સંપૂર્ણ લોકશાહી માટે જરૂરી ન હતો.  લોકસભામાં 545 સીટો છે.  1971ની વસ્તી ગણતરીના આધારે સીમાંકન પર આધારિત, લોકસભાની બેઠકો 545 પર યથાવત છે.  2026 પછી તેમાં નોંધપાત્ર વધારો થવાની સંભાવના છે કારણ કે સરકારે કુલ બેઠકોની સંખ્યા પર પ્રતિબંધ મૂક્યો છે જે ફક્ત 2026 સુધી ચાલશે.

नई सुविधाओं के साथ नया भवन

 બેઠક વ્યવસ્થા ચુસ્ત અને ભારે છે અને તે બીજી હરોળ પર કોઈ ડેસ્ક નથી.  આ ઉપરાંત સેન્ટ્રલ હોલમાં 440 લોકો બેસવાની ક્ષમતા છે.  સંયુક્ત સત્રમાં બેઠકોની સંખ્યા મર્યાદિત રાખવાની સમસ્યા વધી છે.  કારણ કે અહીં અને ત્યાં જવા માટે મર્યાદિત જગ્યા ઉપલબ્ધ છે,

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Idle game of art, history, space & science! Collect a dino like a t-rex fossil!

The goal of this fun tycoon game is to construct, repair, and manage an entire Museum. Art, Culture, and History is your business! You need to administer exhibitions of all kinds to attract visitors to see and contemplate the most incredible art and history collections of all time!

Manage and optimize resources like a business management simulator game and build now your art empire! Start with a small gallery, get visitors into the Museum, sell tickets to earn money, invest your earnings to buy new sets of cool art collections, and build more themed galleries!

You will be in charge of building, repairing, and leading installations from contemporary art, pop art, modern art and classic art, where you will show paintings and sculptures made by famous artists and the greatest minds! How about showing the best Leonardo da Vinci works in your renaissance gallery?

It’s not only about art, the Museum is also about history and science! Bring to your Jurassic exhibition the greatest dinosaur findings, like a triceratops fossil or the mighty tyrannosaurus rex! You may want to build a gallery to show relics from Egypt, Greece or China, artifacts from ancient civilizations like the Aztecs and Mayans, and show off all kinds of historical pieces from around the world.

How about traveling to outer space? Your guests can while visiting the Space gallery, presenting the greatest achievements in astronomy! Beyond space probes, rockets, satellites, space suits, space crafts, and all other flight technology made by humanity, the visitors can also learn about planets, stars and galaxies!

This Museum can be huge with your help and the visitors can also explore the ocean world! Yes, you can manage exhibitions of the wonders of the seas. Sharks, whales, prehistoric fishes and underwater monsters!


Official website : Click here

Click Here to Read Official Notification

As a supervisor, it is your job to take care of all the big and small tasks to keep the business running and the profits coming! To help with that, this idle game also offers a cool Trivia game with lots of cultural quizzes to play! Test your knowledge on different topics like Art, History, Culture, Middle Age, Ancient Civilizations, Music, Science, and get prizes to help you improve the Museum.

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Friday, May 26, 2023


 ગુજરાત બોર્ડ 12મા આર્ટસ એન્ડ કોમર્સના પરિણામ : ગુજરાત માધ્યમિક અને ઉચ્ચતર માધ્યમિક શિક્ષણ બોર્ડ દ્વારા જાહેર કરાયેલ GSEB HSC આર્ટસ એન્ડ કોમર્સ પરિણામ 2023નું પ્રકાશન નિકટવર્તી છે. નોંધનીય છે કે HSC પરીક્ષાઓ 14મી માર્ચથી 29મી માર્ચ 2023 દરમિયાન લેવામાં આવી હતી.

GSEB HSC આર્ટસ પરિણામ 2023 અને ગુજરાત બોર્ડ 12મા વિજ્ઞાન પરિણામ 2023 ની ઉપલબ્ધતા અંગેની જાહેરાત કરવામાં આવી છે. પરિણામોને ઍક્સેસ કરવા માટે સીધી લિંક પ્રદાન કરવામાં આવશે. અમારા સૂત્રોના જણાવ્યા અનુસાર, વર્તમાન સપ્તાહના અંત સુધીમાં નીચે આપેલી HSC પરિણામ 2023 લિંકનો ઉપયોગ કરીને પરિણામો જોઈ શકાય છે.

GSEB HSC માર્કશીટ 2023 ડાઉનલોડ કરતા પહેલા, દરેક વિષયમાં મેળવેલા ગુણની ચકાસણી કરવી મહત્વપૂર્ણ છે. ગુજરાત બોર્ડ 12મું પરિણામ 2023 આર્ટસ કોમર્સ ડિજીલોકર, એસએમએસ દ્વારા પરિણામ અને સીટ નંબર સહિત વિવિધ અભિગમોનો ઉપયોગ કરીને ચકાસી શકાય છે. એકવાર પરિણામો જાહેર થઈ ગયા પછી, વિદ્યાર્થીઓ પાસે ગુજરાત બોર્ડ 12મી કોપી રીચેક 2023 માટે અરજી કરવાનો વિકલ્પ હોય છે. દરેક વિષય માટે તમારા GSEB HSC માર્કસની ચકાસણી કર્યા પછી, તમારી માર્કશીટની ચોકસાઈ માટે સારી રીતે તપાસ કરવાની ભલામણ કરવામાં આવે

બોર્ડનું નામGSEB HSC 12th Commerce Result 2023 Official Newsપરીક્ષાનું નામધોરણ-12 Commerceબોર્ડનું નામગુજરાત માધ્યમિક અને ઉચ્ચતર માધ્યમિક શિક્ષણ બોર્ડ, ગાંધીનગરGSEB HSC 12th Arts Result 2023 ક્યારે આવશે?ટૂંક સમયમાં જાહેર થશે.પરિણામનું માધ્યમગુજરાતીધોરણ-12 પરિણામ જોવાની લિંક

બોર્ડનું નામગુજરાત માધ્યમિક અને ઉચ્ચતર માધ્યમિક શિક્ષણ બોર્ડ, ગાંધીનગર
GSEB HSC 12th Arts Result 2023 ક્યારે આવશે?ટૂંક સમયમાં જાહેર થશે.
પરિણામનું માધ્યમગુજરાતી
ધોરણ-12 પરિણામ જોવાની લિંક

GSEB, Gandhinagar ની અખબારી યાદી જણાવે છે કે, માર્ચ-2023 માં યોજાયેલ માધ્યમિક શાળાંત પ્રમાણપત્ર પરીક્ષા ધોરણ-12 (HSC) Arts પરીક્ષાનું પરિણામ બોર્ડની વેબસાઇટ પર ટૂંક સમયમાં જાહેર કરવામાં આવશે.   

અખબાર યાદી રદિયો 

ધોરણ 12 કોમર્સ આર્ટસ ના પરિણામ ની તારીખ વિશે બનાવટી બોર્ડની જાહેર ખબર બાબત

ગુજરાત માધ્યમિક અને ઉચ્ચતર માધ્યમિક શિક્ષણ બોર્ડ,­­ગાંધીનગર દ્વારા અખબારી યાદી જણાવી છે કે, આજ રોજ તા-૨૬/૦૫/૨૦૨૩ સોશિયલ મીડિયામાં ધોરણ 12 આર્ટસ અને કોમર્સ પરિણામ બાબતે સમાચાર વહેતા થયા છે. જેમાં તારીખ: 27/05/2023 ના રોજ ઓનલાઈન જાહેર કરવામાં આવશે, તેવી બનાવટી અખબારી યાદી જાહેર કરી હતી. GSEB દ્વારા આ અખબારી યાદી જાહેરમાં આવેલ નથી. આમ બોર્ડ દ્વારા સૂચિત કરવામાં આવે છે કે,  ધોરણ 12 સામાન્ય પ્રવાહનું પરિણામ બોર્ડ દ્વારા અધિકૃત રીતે જાહેર કરવામાં આવશે. તેની બોર્ડની વેબસાઈટ પર મૂકવામાં આવશે.

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PM Young Achievers Scholarship Award Scheme- Highlights

YASAVI 2023 entrance exam will be conducted in Computer Based Test(CBT) format. The exam duration is three hours and 100 Multiple Choice Questions will be asked. Check Yasasvi scholarship entrance exam official website, important dates, etc.

Yasasvi scholarship award scheme- Application

The NTA releases the notification for the YET application 2023 entrance exam in July 2023. Interested students can fill out the PM Young Achievers Scholarship Award Scheme for Vibrant India application form till August 2023.

How to fill PM YASHASVI scholarship test application form

Follow the below-given steps to fill Prime Minister Scholarship Scheme YET application form:

  • Visit the YET official website, 2023.
  • On the homepage, click on the registration tab (if not registered already)
  • Register using your details such as Name, Email, and date of birth, and log in using the generated credentials.
  • Enroll yourself for the YASASVI entrance scholarship test 2023.
  • Submit all the details.
  • Save the page for future reference.

PM Yashasvi Scholarship Scheme- Admit Card

The NTA releases the Yasasvi entrance exam admit card 2023 online through the official website, The YASASVI Entrance Test (YET) admit card 2023 will be released in September 2023.

It is mandatory for students to carry their PM Yashasvi Scholarship Scheme 2023 hall tickets to the examination centre on the exam day as, without it, they will not be allowed to enter the exam hall.

PM Yashasvi Scholarship Scheme- Admit Card

The NTA releases the Yasasvi entrance exam admit card 2023 online through the official website, The YASASVI Entrance Test (YET) admit card 2023 will be released in September 2023.

It is mandatory for students to carry their PM Yashasvi Scholarship Scheme 2023 hall tickets to the examination centre on the exam day as, without it, they will not be allowed to enter the exam hall.

ઓનલાઇન અરજી કરવા માટે અહી ક્લિક કરો

કોણ અરજી કરી શકે જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો

ક્યાં ક્યાં ડોક્યુમેન્ટ જોશે જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો

ગુજરાતીમાં માહિતિ માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો

ઓનલાઇન સાઈટ માટે અહી ક્લિક કરો

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Monday, May 22, 2023



 Postman (Gramin Dak Sevak-GDS (Salary: Rs.10,000/-)

 Branch Post Master (BPM) (Salary: Rs.12000/-)

 Assistant Branch Post Master (ABPM) (Salary: Rs.10,000/-)

 Total Space: 12828

 Total Vacancy in Gujarat: 110

 Required date

 Form Start Date  : 22/05/2023

 Form Last Date  : 11/06/2023

 For correction (correction) dt.  : 12/06/2023 to 14/06/2023


 10 passes

 (Mathematics, English and Language (Hindi) subject should be compulsory in class 10.)

 Also a certificate on computer knowledge

 Knowledge of cycling

 Age Limit: 18 to 40 years


 Rs.  100/- (For Open, OBC, E.W.S. only)

 Remaining for other category : No currency.

 Also for women: no currency.

 Documents required to fill the form

 Photo / Signature

 aadhar card

 Mark sheet as per qualification (10th mark sheet is mandatory)

 An example of caste

 LC (School Leaving Certificate)

 Category for Handicapped

 Low vision (LV),

 D (Deaf), HH (Hard of hearing),

 One Arm (OA), One leg (OL), Leprosy Cured, Dwarfism, Acid Attack Victim,

 Specific learning disability/Intellectual disability.  Multiple disabilities from among disabilities mentioned at (a) to (d) above except Deaf and Blindness.

 GDS Important Link

GDS મહત્વપુર્ણ લિંક

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Thursday, May 18, 2023

Samagr shiksha abhiyan Recruitment Gujarat 2023

 Recruitment by SSA (under Samgar Shiksha Abhiyan), Salary upto 30000

 Online applications are invited from candidates with suitable qualifications and sufficient experience to prepare a shortlist for the recruitment of the said posts at State, District and Taluka level in the state of Gujarat for Civil Works under the entire discipline.  Candidate age limit for all posts will be 35 years as on last date of online application.  Candidates have to apply online by visiting website and clicking on Recruitment.

 Before applying the candidate should first read the instructions/guidelines regarding the required qualification, age limit, experience, type of appointment and remuneration for the said posts placed on the web site.  No application will be accepted in person, post or courier at the State Project Office and District Project Office.  Applications sent thereafter will not be considered valid.  The candidate has to present one xerox copy of the required certificates along with the printout of the online application, passport size photograph and original certificates for verification whenever called in person for verification of certificates.



 FORM START DATE 18/05/2023



SSA માટે અગત્યની લિંક

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Saturday, May 13, 2023

Smart phone Sahay yojana 2023||Apply on Ikhedut online portal

 Smartphone Sahay Yojana 2023

: Smartphone Sahay Yojana for Farmers 2023, With the intention that the farmers of the state can get the maximum benefit of the scheme of assistance on the purchase of smartphones of the agricultural department, the state government has launched the I Khedut portal for the year 2023-24 on 15/05/2023 at 10:30 am.  It will be opened for online applications by farmers from hours.  Taking into account the above mentioned matters, through the extension system of your district and publishing the press note included in the local newspapers and local TV.  A large amount of publicity is requested in this regard among the peasantry through channels.

 Smartphone Assistance Scheme 2023

 Scheme Name Smartphone Assistance Scheme 2023 Department Name Agriculture, Farmers Welfare and Cooperation Department Gujarat Application Start Date 15/05/2023 Mode of Application Online Farmers of Beneficiary State Official Website

Eligibility of Farmer Smartphone Assistance Scheme Beneficiary

 Farmers of Gujarat who want to take advantage of Smartphone Sahay Yojana 2023 can apply to take advantage of the scheme only if they have all the following eligibility criteria.

 A person applying for Khedut Smartphone Sahay Yojana should be residing in Gujarat.

 A farmer of Gujarat state should own land in Gujarat.

 If the farmer has more accounts than the householder then the subsidy is eligible for one time.

 If having joint accounts then ikhedut 8-A farmers are entitled to the benefits of only one of the joint accounts as mentioned therein.

 The mobile plan is available only on purchase of the mobile only and does not include mobile accessories like ear-phones, chargers, ear-birds.

 Documents Required for Mobile Sahay Yojana 2023

 Copy of Aadhaar Card of the tenant farmer

 Original bill with no GST number of smartphone

 IMEI number of the smartphone to be purchased

 Copy of farmer's land document

 Copy of 8-A

 Copy of Farmer's Canceled Cheque

 Copy of bank account passbook

 Smartphone Sahay Yojana Online Registration Process – How to Apply for Smartphone Sahay Yojana Online Registration Process

 Farmers have to apply online through iKhedut portal.  Farmers can also apply online for this scheme at home through mobile / computer.  And the applicant farmer can also apply through VCE (Panchayat Operator) and CSC Center from Gram Panchayat of your village.  Below step by step complete information on how to apply online for this scheme

First of all, you have to type "ikhedut portal" in Www.Google.Co.In in Chrome browser of mobile / computer.

 In which the website has to be opened by clicking on from the results that come in Google Search.

 After the new web page you will be asked whether you have farmer registration or not, you can apply.

 If you say yes to farmer registration, then you have to provide Aadhaar number and mobile number, then an OTP will be sent to your mobile.  After entering that OTP, give the details of the farmer in the application and you will come online.

 Click on “Apply New” button and submit a new application.

 Click on the “Update Application” button to add corrections to the application.  Land Account Account Number or Ration Card No. along with application number to update/confirm application

 If you are applying for the first time from the year 2018-19 without registering as a farmer, then providing the Aadhaar number and mobile number while applying online will determine the eligibility of the application, by submitting a copy of the Aadhaar number to the concerned office, after verifying it by the concerned officer, Farmer Registration (  registration) will take place.  At that time, an SMS will be sent to your registered mobile number stating that the registration has been done.

 A print of the application can be taken only after the application is confirmed.

 If the name of the bank is not found in the list, contact the nearest horticulture office.

 If the application number is not generated while saving the application, read the message in the above line of instructions.

 Details preceded by a red * are mandatory.

For online Apply Click here

 Taking a print out of the application is costly.  Take a print out of the online application and submit it to the office/office address mentioned on the application along with necessary documents.  Or after applying Khedut online on IKhedut Portal, take a print of the signature/fingerprint and scan it and upload it by clicking on “Upload Signed Copy of Application Print” menu on the portal.  The facility to upload scanned copy of caste pattern is also enabled in “Other Document Upload” menu wherever applicable.  So there is no need for the farmer to submit the application in person at the office.  Scanned copy uploaded in PDF format should be more than 200 KB in size

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Gujarat secondary &Higher secondary Principal vacancy 2023

 Gujarat Granted Secondary And Higher Secondary Principal Vacancy 2023

Government of Gujarat, Education Department, Secretariat, Gandhinagar Notification No: GH/SH/77/BMS/ 1115/1295/G, dt. 25/07/2017 and the amendments thereto from time to time as well as the standing resolutions and provisions of the Government to fill up the vacant posts of teachers in the non-government aided secondary and higher secondary schools of the state on the basis of merit as per the instructions mentioned in the website below and as per the standing resolutions of the Government as well as the educational, professional qualification as well as prescribed Online applications are invited in prescribed format from candidates with relevant experience.

Detailed instructions will be placed on the website Application Time Limit Details:

Eligible candidates can apply online from 22/05/23 to 04/06/23, 12:00 PM as per the notification posted on the website Eligible candidates can pay the prescribed application fee online. Candidates who fail to pay the fee within the stipulated time limit will not accept their application. Only and only online application will be accepted. While applying online, after filling all the details in the application form, the candidate has to verify the details and confirm/submit the application. Candidates can amend their application till the last date of application, after which no objection regarding amendment will be entertained.

How to apply gserc granted Secondary And Higher Secondary principal vacancy

As per the provisions of Education Department, Secretariat Gandhinagar Notification No. GH/SH/42/2022/ BMS/1115/1295/G in the year 2017 and 2022 HMAT examination conducted by the State Examination Board, Gujarat State, Gandhinagar can only apply.

Gujarat Granted Secondary And Higher Secondary principal vacancy education qualification

Detailed information/instructions regarding advertisement will be placed on website. Also all recruitment related notifications and details will be uploaded on the website from time to time. Candidates have to check the website regularly. Candidates who are not aware of any instruction/detail placed on the website cannot participate at any stage of recruitment, it will be the personal responsibility of the candidate. No written or oral representation in this regard will be entertained.

Post Name: Head Teacher (School Principle) (Acharya)

Educational Qualification: Passed HMAT Exam

Application Mode: Online Mode

Total No. of Vacancies: 1900

Official Notification: Click Here

Official website click here

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Thursday, May 11, 2023

Vaccsine reminder for baby app


Parenting tips, Baby health tips, Baby care tips, Baby Vaccination Chart India

"90% of the human brain development happens in 0-8 years, yet only 50% of kids develop to their full potential."-UNICEF

“Must-have parenting app for every new parent for babycare below 8 years”
Parentlane is the top rated parenting & baby care app that has helped lakhs of women & families in India. Download the app now to get everything you need as a parent: personalised insights on baby health, baby nutrition, baby vaccination chart, baby daily trackers, baby milestones, baby food recipes, baby development week by week, positive parenting, expert parenting advice from fellow moms, doctors & more.

Moms Love Our App For Best Parenting & Baby Care Features
● Consult with Experienced Paediatricians in India Online
● Growth Check- First holistic baby development tracker with complete analysis on baby health & development and Get parenting tips
● Newborn baby growth progress report, early detection of baby development delays for babycare & parenting
● NutriCheck- Feeding tracker, benefits to developmental areas(eyes, brain etc)for simple parenting
● Parenting tips by experts on baby care, baby health & baby development week by week
● Baby Vaccination chart, reminders & due alerts for newborn baby
● Track newborn baby milestones, alerts on delays for easy parenting
● 1000+ Activities for all baby developmental areas for baby growth
● 10000+ nutritious baby food recipes for baby development
● Discuss with experts & parents on baby health & baby care tips from parenting experience
● First digital profile of newborn baby to save & share baby pics with friends
● Add spouse & family to participate in parenting
● Ask & answer queries on community on babyroyale care & parenting
● Videos on parenting, baby care & baby health
● Talk in native language with moms about baby health & parenting

Why Parentlane is a must have parenting app for tracking baby health
● Track baby development & baby health for perfect parenting
GrowthCheck is Baby Development Tracker for newborn baby development for easy parenting.
- Learning skill
- Gross motor skill
- Fine motor skill
- Social & emotional skill
- Speech & language
- Newborn baby health
●Track baby breastfeeding for babycare
NutriCheck is tracker for newborn baby nutrition goal for simple parenting.
- Baby breastfeeding
- Baby bottle feeding
- Baby solid foods
●Parenting tips
- Baby care
- Baby health
- Baby food recipes
- Baby food charts
- Baby poop
- Baby safety
- Baby development
- Baby sleep
- Activities for kids
- Premature baby
- Newborn
- Vaccination
- Home Remedies
- Breastfeeding
- Positive Parenting

વેક્સિન રીમાઈન્ડ એપ માટે અહી ક્લિક કરો

બાળકને કંઈ કંઈ તારીખે ક્યું વેક્સિન આવશે તે માત્ર જન્મ તારીખ નાખી જોવા માટે અહી ક્લિક કરો

Also, there are separate sections to Vaccine Updates for Healthcare Professionals and Parents.
For Vaccine Reminder, registration is required

●Answers from parenting experience & experts within minutes
Post queries,get quick answers on parenting & babycare,help others on:
- Breastfeeding
- Baby care
- Baby poop
- Baby health
- Baby food
- Post pregnancy
- Dad’s role
- Baby names
- First time moms
- Premature baby
- Stress & depression
- Periods & sexual health
●Track developmental milestones for best parenting
Monitor baby milestones from Day1 of newborn babycare & check developmental baby milestones are fast-track, on-track or delayed.
●Daily baby tracker for perfect babycare & parenting
Record baby routine for easy parenting.
- Sleep tracker
- Diaper tracker
- Medicine reminder
- Bath tracker
- Temperature tracker
- Breastfeeding tracker
- Bottle feeding tracker
- Solid food tracker
●10 languages available
Talk in Hindi, Marathi, Bengali, Gujarati, Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu, Kannada, Punjabi or Odia with moms on babycare & parenting tips.
●Healthy baby food recipes
Baby food recipes for baby health making parenting for newborn baby

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Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Gyan sadhana scholarship notification 2023 24 ||New scholarships scheme for STD 9 to 12 students

 The scholarship amount will be credited to the student's account.

 The scholarship will be credited directly to the student's account.  Scholarship amount will be paid based on 80 percent attendance of the students.  If a student fails any class during class 9 to 12, or drops out of school, and any serious action is taken against the student, the benefit of this scheme will cease.

 Highlight Point of Gnan Sadhana Scholarship Exam 2023

 Yojana Gyan Sadhana Scholarship Scheme Implementation Department Education Department Beneficiary Standard 8 Pass Students Scholarship Standard 9th to 10th Annual Rs.20000

 Rs.25000 per annum for Class 11 to 12 Form Filling Dates 11-5-2023 to 26-5-2023 Exam Date 11-6-2023 Official Website Selection by Exam Gyan Sadhana Scholarship 2023

Gyan Sadhana Scholarship 2023 Important Dates

 Announcement Date:  11/05/2023

 Starting Date of Online Form: 11/05/2023

 Last Date Gnan Sadhana Scholarship Online Form: 26/05/2023

 Date of Examination Jnana Sadhana Scholarship: 11/06/2023

 Gnan Sadhana Scholarship Examination Fee

 There is no fee for Exam Gyan Sadhana Scholarship

 Exam Syllabus and Exam Pattern Jnana Sadhana Scholarship

 The exam will be multiple choice question-MCQ based

 The exam carries 120 marks and the duration is 1.30 hours

 The language of examination is English/Gujarati

 Test Question MarksMAT Intellectual Aptitude Test4040SAT Intellectual Aptitude Test8080Gyan Sadhana Scholarship 2023

 Who is eligible to apply for Gnan Sadhana Scholarship?

 Gujarat state students studying in class 8th in government, government aided, local body schools with parental income not exceeding Rs.  3,50,000/- are eligible to apply for the scholarship exam.

Gyan Sadhana Scholarship Selection Process- Selection Process

 The selection process of students for this scholarship scheme is as follows.

 First of all the student has to fill the form for this scholarship exam.

 Then the provisional selection list will be declared based on the cut merit through the test.

 Then the documents are verified at the district level.

 Then the final merit list and selection list are released.

 Online Application Process – Online Application Process

 To fill the online form for Gyan Sadhana Scholarship, the following procedure has to be done.

 First of all one has to go to the official website of the State Examination Board

 Click on Apply Online in it.

બાળકના UID નંબર અને જન્મ તારીખ નાખી નીચેની લીંક થી પરિણામ જુઓ

કેટલા માર્કસ સુધી ક્ટ ઓફ અટક્યું છે નોટીફિકેશન જુઓ

મુખ્યમંત્રી જ્ઞાન સાધના મેરીટ સ્કોલરશીપમાં મેરીટમાં સમાવિષ્ટ વિદ્યાર્થીઓનું  ઓનલાઇન રજીસ્ટ્રેશન કરવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો.

 Select Jnana Sadhana Proficiency Test in it.

state .

 After that, entering the student's Adhar UDI number in the opened form, the required information of the student will be available.

જ્ઞાન સાધના પરીક્ષા તારીખ બાબત શિક્ષણ વિભાગ નો નવો લેટર અવશ્ય વાંચવો

 Then submit the other requested information and upload the student's photo and signature.

જ્ઞાન સાધના પરીક્ષા ના હોલ ટીકીટ ડાઉનલોડ કરો

 Finally check your form and confirm.

જ્ઞાન સાધના પરીક્ષા તારીખ માં ફેરફાર પરિપત્ર

 Take a print out of this form.

Gyan Sadhana Scholarship Notification PDFઅહીં ક્લિક કરો
જ્ઞાન સાધના સ્કોલરશીપ ફોર્મ ભરવા માટેઅહીં ક્લિક કરો

 Gyan Sadhana Scholarship Notification PDF Click Here To Fill Gyan Sadhana Scholarship Form Click Here Home Page Click Here

જ્ઞાન સાધના સ્કોલરશીપ પરીક્ષાની પ્રોવિઝનલ આન્સર કી

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Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Blue words stylish font text

 Font styles in texts and nicknames with keyboard for Whatsapp, Instagram and FF

Avail this new way of expressing your creativity on Instagram with stylish fonts. Use the font generator app to try out new text styles and fonts every day on your Instagram stories. This special app full of font styles contains a smart stylish keyboard with smart language and text style in WhatsApp messages. Let go of your old texting routine and introduce into your text styles and fonts by using cool fonts, symbols, and letters. The new stylish fonts app features a wide collection of cool fonts and custom keyboard which you can use anywhere including Whatsapp. All you need to do is preview the different text styles, type your message, copy the style with the new font you like, and paste it into any messenger app like Instagram or you can use our custom keyboard as well. Send the text with the new font style to any recipient using our stylish custom keyboard and he/she will be able to see stylish fonts on their device too. Font style changer Bring you many font styles and stylish text in one application.

Use Stylish font to Express Creativity on Instagram & Whatsapp

No need to stick to boring text fonts while you can use your creativity to try out fancy letters and fonts and create cool nicknames and profiles for Instagram or Whatsapp. Save the font styles you like and use them easily by viewing them in the top results. 

Hundreds of New and Cool Font styles

You can preview every font style by entering your word and pick the cool font style you like the most.

Use Custom Keyboard with 100+ Text Styles for Whatsapp.

The app includes custom keyboard that allows the user to customize the text style or font style of keyboard. Attractive and amazing font style keyboard allow the user to change keyboard themes, keyboard text style and can also use emoji keyboard. Stylish font style keyboard allows the user to type faster with attractive and smart 100+ font styles on WhatsApp. Interactive keyboard layout allows the user type letters as well as use EMOJIS, in different apps social media and other apps. Keyboard fonts and Keyboard layout is designed in order to make typing easier and faster. The blueword stylish font keyboard is an amazing tool that can help the user to type in an interactive and quick manner. Keyboard layout is user friendly and colorful. A wide variety of font styles allows the user to type their content and share their writing with innovative styles on different social media apps.

Let others view your font style easily on Instagram and Whatsapp.


જુન-૨૩ થી શરુ થતાં નવા શૈક્ષણિક સત્રમાં ધો.૬ થી ૧૨ માં ગણિત તથા વિજ્ઞાન વિષયના પાઠ્યપુસ્તકો અંગે. નો પરિપત્ર ડાઉનલોડ કરવા અહી ક્લિક કરો

Save hours of font search as this app offers instant fancy letters preview. You can also use the cool font, creative text, and special symbols to create stylish nicknames for games, Instagram, and Tiktok. Simply pick, copy/paste your favorite font style and you are good to go!

Features of Blue Words Cool Fonts - Stylish Fonts, Fancy Text

ગુજરાત સરકાર દ્વારા જાહેર કરાયેલ જ્ઞાન સાધના સ્કોલરશીપ નો વિસ્તૃત પરિપત્ર ડાઉનલોડ કરો

વર્ષ 2023 24 માટે જ્ઞાન સાધના સ્કોલરશીપ પરીક્ષાનું જાહેરનામું અહીંથી ડાઉનલોડ કરો

Simple and easy font styles app UI/UX

Custom keyboard available with 100+ text styles.

Emoji keyboard can be used anywhere

Easy to Use any font style with keyboard

Fancy text for keyboard can be selected easily

Clutter-free cool font app design and appealing layout

Responsive search fonts bar to find and preview creative text

તલાટી પરીક્ષા official answer key

Save the fancy letters style fonts that you like to use later easily on Instagram and WhatsApp.

Select text in any app and use the creative bubble to turn it into creative text fonts

Create stylish nicknames, Instagram stories by using creative text and unique font from our app

How to use Blue Words Cool Fonts - Stylish Fonts, Fancy Text

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Monday, May 8, 2023

Prewedding Video Maker creates photo video with latest theme & music


Prewedding Video Maker creates photo video with latest theme & music

Prewedding Video Maker is an amazing  video Editor that will help you create wonderful wedding stories.
Prewedding Video Maker makes videos with photos, music from your gallery, amazing wedding frames, beautiful filters and  effects.
Prewedding Video Maker easy to create video of PreWedding.
Prewedding Video Maker application makes your special event more lovely, more lively and much memories with cute frames and sticker over video.You can create videos using photos, add music to video, edit photos used for the video, add Wedding frames to video, blend Wedding animated video themes with your video and blend Wedding songs with your video.
You can bless with Pre-Wedding Wishes more elegant with Pre-Wedding stickers, themes, relevant music and default Pre-Wedding wishes songs by Prewedding Video Maker.
Best Amazing Feature of “Prewedding Video Maker“:-
  Create video from Photos  & Music , short Video,Photo Movie Slideshow Collage with Special Effects & Music.
  Hundreds of stickers that you need in Editing Video in Video Maker with Music & Pictures.
  50+Video Filters & Effects.
  Free Music Clips and you can also choose music from your phone.
  Easy to use best editing tools with simple interface.
  Fast performance to create a video in a short time.
  Select photos and video from the gallery. You can select up to 50 images.
Add music you love from your mobile with editing and trimming features.
  Add Video Effect Background.
Adjust the speed of video frames animations such as slow, speed
  Save video with HD quality and Share video with your friends and family via social media.
A full-featured photo editor included.
  Collage your photo with creative pre wedding photo frames.

  Amazing photo fx filters.
  Easy to add lovely stickers or stylish text..
  Various and lovely countdown,7 day to go,6 day left, 5 day left,4 day to go,3 day to go, 2 day to go,1 day to go,Save the date,wedding day, love, couple,cake , ring,heart, wedding, etc…
PreWedding video Editor makes your simple and ordinary video attractive and stunning with different filters and frames. This is an application to edit your video more uniquely.
PreWedding Video Maker with Music is a free video editing app, this is a PreWedding video maker that everyone will love, and the best choice for recording and sharing sweet memories!

વર્ષ 2023 24 માટે જ્ઞાન સાધના સ્કોલરશીપ પરીક્ષાનું જાહેરનામું અહીંથી ડાઉનલોડ કરો

full-featured photo editor included.

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