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Wednesday, October 7, 2020

vidhyadan project on diksha portal

 vidhyadan project on diksha portal

.              The only platform of education across India is known as Diksha Portal. The Diksha Border has content videos of different subjects in different languages. Students can scan the QR code at their convenience and also watch the video of the content manually at the beginning. When it came to textbooks, they were text-based textbooks. Gradually, textbooks were researched into active textbooks that used multimedia colors and printed textbooks full of illustrative activities. Picture-based lessons have become so much fun to watch that more and more multimedia textbooks are being used. Digital media has been used in education ever since. 

                     It spread and was also used in education Textbook research is done every two years. In the doping of the textbook, video bells of various subject matter experts are used through QR code and the UR code of each topic is scanned and used by the student on each page of the book for home use. Many videos are also updated in Lagi UR Code. Diksha Portal is available through videos of various topics of all textbooks from Std. 3 to Std. 12 in which students can watch their own content by searching. In some textbooks, UR Code is still updated on Diksha Portal.

        The teachers of the primary schools of the state are also working hard to ensure that more and more students get education using the initiation portal. For this, the teachers have to go to the homes of the children and scan the QR code and see the content through it. Training is also being given. There is no such activity on the initiation portal in which there is a short and short video. In the textbooks where QR code is not available now, the Department of Education has created its own subject matter to include video content in the UR code of each subject textbook. The Department of Education also wants to encourage teachers to be the first to use all these video recordings.        

            The Ministry of Education, New Delhi has suggested that every student as well as parents should be instructed to use the initiation platform. With the introduction of Vidyadan platform for the use of quality video from Tajon in the film of higher primary education, the process of adding e-material in the QR code placed in the textbooks is underway. The material is being prepared by the education department. The Department of Education wants to select a selection of videos from the first field. A self-prepared demo video can be uploaded on any subject education project. This statement project is currently underway. Any person or organization can participate in it.            

                     Any district teacher can create a video. In order to donate under the Vidyadan project for what can be done in the form of books, it has been asked to spread wide publicity which will be done by the Content Committee. It will be included in the QR code of the textbook. It will be a permanent souvenir for the account video selected in the code so that every primary teacher can participate in this statement project. 

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Vidhyadan video upload karvano step by step samaj aapto video

                        They have been instructed by the education department to use the initiation portal and go to the individual contribution of and go online. Can apply indian contribution Introduction You are placed within the subject wise option of each standard in which by making the right selection you can make a textbook of any standard. Make a five minute video of a topic by yourself or you have to upload it if it is already available and also provide some personal information such as name, address, teacher, odd, etc. After processing all these, you have to submit the video after it is loaded. Immediately a message comes on our mobile. The committee has done the proper process for this. The message that your video content has been completed is also on your e-mail ID. Comes with confirmation


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