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Friday, June 4, 2021

Education calender for education year 2021 22

 If we look at some of the main points of the Right to Education Act 2009, it is the main right of every child to complete free and compulsory primary education in the nearest school.

 Education in India is education in which all the children between the ages of 6 to 12 are enrolled in school at the right time and at the same time it is the responsibility of the government to complete the primary education.

 It is also the responsibility of the government to enroll out-of-school children according to their age

 The Right to Education Act, which enacts the law, requires the government as well as local authorities and guardians to enforce their duties and responsibilities under the Right to Free and Compulsory Education Act, as well as the financial obligations between the state and central governments.  The policy has been formulated

 The standard between the student and the teacher is determined by the standard physical facilities required in the school. The school's working hours and the teacher's working hours are also provided with specific guidance.

 It is also important to ensure that there is no inconsistency in filling the vacancies of teachers in urban and rural areas by proper maintenance of the ratio of teachers to children in each school instead of satisfying the average teacher-child ratio of the state and district and block.

 Ten-year census for teachers is also prohibited from being assigned to tasks other than natural disasters such as Assembly and Lok Sabha elections.

 Emphasis is placed on hiring teachers who are properly trained at the time of appointment of teachers as the teacher is required to have proper academic qualifications.

શૈક્ષણિક વર્ષ ૨૦૨૧-૨૨ કૅલેન્ડર જાહેર


 Matters prohibited by the Right to Education Act primarily include no physical punishment or mental harassment or mental harassment of any child. No school or person may charge any other fee when enrolling a child in school.  Parent Inquiry Interviews Cannot Be Conducted No Teacher Can Do Without Private Education Or Private Education Activity No Half Government Can Run Without Shri's Approval

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